(top 11) to El Capitan where download Precircuiter v.1.1

Education, Harry Shamansky, 5120 KB, Teaching Tools, Precircuiter


Precircuiter is a must-have tool for any master electrician who's tired of precircuiting lighting plots by hand. Just open Vectorworks instrument data, click the "assign" button, and watch as Precircuiter pairs the lights on your plot to the closest receptacles available. Precircuiter takes the most efficient route, saving you cable and time spent hanging lights. Caveats: - Precircuiter needs to know where outlets are. These must be added to your Vectorworks plot as lighting instruments with "Power" as their device type. This only needs to be done once and saved as part of your venue's template. - Precircuiter doesn't support flyspaces (yet), or any venue where grouped receptacles travel in a bunch.

to 10.11.5 vers.3.1.Precircuiter.gvGS.zip {5632 KB}
New MacOS EarCPL_v.1.4_Precircuiter.tar.gz {4608 KB}

Harry Shamansky
Official site: http://precircuiter.harryshamansky.com

iMac BBENCODER-VERS.1.3-AKW7E.DMG {154 kb} 1.4
New for iMac 2.2.MASTERWRITER.VAH8G.APP {252313 kb} 2.3
Recomended on Mac v-1.7-BetterHandles-fJwU1.pkg {1551 kb} 2.4

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(5580 kb) Update mBc Precircuiter 1.5 1.2 Best! version
(5376 kb) Update GOTy vers 1.5 Precircuiter 1.2 10.13
(4147 kb) Download ETZ V 1.3 PRECIRCUITER 1.2 Recomended iMac
(4710 kb) App DIR8M PRECIRCUITER VERS.1.2 1.5 on Mac
(5478 kb) Get EPo version 1.4 Precircuiter 3.1 New to iMac

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