where download 1.4 BetterHandles

1536 KB, Nineblock Software, Multimedia Design, BetterHandles, Illustration


BetterHandles gives you more control over Bezier curves in Adobe Illustrator. Some features are: - Select multiple handles, and collectively move, extend, rotate, or retract them - Extend or retract handles without changing their angles - Edit points numerically: anchor, in handle, out handle - Convert multiple points from corner to smooth or vice versa - Automatically extend new handles on multiple points - Intuitively reshape path segments, optionally constraining handle directions - Use slow-drag to divide the cursor movement for extremely precise moves - Equalize a point's handles - See all the handles on a path while editing it - Split a path at one or more points - Delete one or more points and close the path around them - See when the cursor is over a handle, point, or path - without having to use Smart Guides. - And more!

for 10.14.2 ver..3.4.BetterHandles.LcXIt.zip
New on MacBook Pro betterhandles-v-2.4-mtfcs.zip
Version Mac Pro v.1.6.BetterHandles.TYvFw.pkg

Nineblock Software

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{1489 KB} Get BETTERHANDLES VERS.2.4 SCJ6JH 1.5 Version OS X
{1443 KB} Download BETTERHANDLES 1.5 RQU4HO 3.4 Recomended on 10.11.5
{1689 KB} Free OVU V 1.7 BETTERHANDLES 3.4 Mac
{1628 KB} Get XuUL vers.1.5 BetterHandles 1.6 Best! version

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