2.0_Gradient_Pro.dmg how install for Mac Pro

614 KB, Gradient Pro, Editors, Development, Softmatic


Gradient Pro lets you create beautiful CSS gradients. With Softmatic Gradient Pro everyone can design linear and radial gradients with an unlimited number of stops. Gradients - Colors can be specified by RGB, HEX or HSL value or by the HTML/ SVG name. The standard OS X color panel is also available as well as a loupe color picker. - Stops can be placed / dragged anywhere. For transparent gradients the alpha value of a stop can be specified. - Linear gradients with angle between 0 and 360 degrees. - Radial gradients with nine different center positions. Gradient Pro is very easy to use, loads of keyboard shortcuts speed everything up. Shortcuts - "R" toggles between linear and radial gradient, "I" inverts the gradient - Want to save a gradient for later? Simply hit "T" to move it to the tray. The tray holds up to sixteen gradients and is maintained between sessions. - "N" and "D" create and delete stops, respectively - "V" displays the generated CSS code, ⌘+C copies the code to the clipboard - "L" opens the loupe color picker, "P" opens the OS X panel - "ESC" cancels the loupe and dismisses the code window - "TAB" iterates through the stops of a gradient Here's a special tip: With the loupe active, press and hold "H" to fade out the app window. Other features - Generate CSS3 code for all major browser and Web engines: Mozilla / Firefox, Webkit (iOS, Chrome, Safari), IE, Opera. - Launch an HTML testpage to verify the gradient and fallback color in your browser. - Fallback color for browsers that don't support gradients.

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on MacOS 4.0.Gradient.Pro.qZhnW.zip

Official site:

New! version iStat.Server.ver..3.5.1xc6.zip [4996 kb] 4.03
for Mojave 3.1.5-Folder-Color-4Xr5.tar.gz [16819 kb] 3.1.2

{589 kbytes} Free JQUNVB VERS.3.0 GRADIENT PRO 2.1 New High Sierra
{571 kbytes} Free V 2.4 GRADIENT PRO CUTJZ 2.2 Updated version
{663 kbytes} Get z9ld vers.2.1 Gradient Pro 2.4 Version Mojave

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