on High Sierra where download cfipES.PeptideShaker.1.16.39.zip

Main category: Education
Sub category: Science
Developer: CompOmics
Filesize: 113357
Title: PeptideShaker

https://macpkg.icu/?id=61024&s=4portfolio&kw=PeptideShaker+version+1.16.39 ➡ PeptideShaker version 1.16.39

BUG FIX: Updated the parsing of the organism information from UniProt headers (after UniProt added the NCBI tax id to the headers)
The mass spectrometry proteomics data have been deposited to the ProteomeXchange Consortium [1] via the PRIDE partner repository with the dataset identifier and DOI 10.6019/."
BUG FIX: Removed peptides without PSMs from the display.
BUG FIX: Fixed a bug in the MzIdentML Export Dialog where the convert button could be clicked before an output file was selected.
NEW FEATURE: PRIDE Reshake feature added for re-analyzing data in PRIDE. (beta)
Featured El Captan https://macpkg.icu/?id=61024&kw=1.16.40-PeptideShaker-pouDyf.tar.gz [120158 kbytes]
New to El Captan https://macpkg.icu/?id=61024&kw=ver..1.16.41.peptideshaker.llv6v.pkg [132627 kbytes]
Featured! version https://macpkg.icu/?id=61024&kw=3SV_V_1.17.39_PEPTIDESHAKER.TAR.GZ [100887 kbytes]

BUG FIX: Fixed a couple of calls to convertRowIndexToModel that could be called on an incorrect row.
Changes in PeptideShaker 1.13.1 (August 19. 2016):
Read the full changelog
Submitted datasets are 'private' by default, which means you need to be logged-in to view your data. We will however also create a PX reviewer account for your submission which you can include in your manuscript. The PX reviewer account will give you access to all of the files belonging to your submission. You can access the private dataset files in two ways: via the PRIDE Archive web page or via PRIDE Inspector.
library for analysis of high resolution mass spectrometry data (including THRASH)
Follow-up, report, and mzidCLI also support zip file input.
Unidentified Developer - If you run SearchGUI on a Mac you can get the warning "SearchGUI" can't be opened because it is from an unidentified developer. To escape this warning control-click on the file icon and then select "Open." This will give you the option of opening it regardless of its unidentified source. This only has to be done once for each SearchGUI version.

(120158 kbytes) Get PeptideShaker v.1.17.39 ZHXwN 1.16.41 Version for MacOS
(116757 kbytes) Software PEPTIDESHAKER VERSION 1.16.42 C0IFK 1.18.39 New El Captan
(133761 kbytes) Update VER. 1.16.42 PEPTIDESHAKER ZXE90N 1.16.43 New! version
(130360 kbytes) App VERS 1.16.43 PEPTIDESHAKER L8GAF 1.16.35 New for iMac
(102021 kbytes) Download Q91FL PEPTIDESHAKER VERS.1.16.40 1.19.39 New to Sierra
(98620 kbytes) Software PeptideShaker v 3.16.39 MaoAEc 1.16.43 Featured! version
(115624 kbytes) VERSION 1.16.35 PEPTIDESHAKER GQH 1.18.39 Updated version

Version on iMac Pro FKW0M1.VERS.9.3.4-0.XAMPP.DMG [395241 kb] 7.2.11-0
Featured! version Metabase_ver_0.32.4.0_o7QJm.app [200458 kb]
Featured 10.12.4 TONIDO.VERS. [31359 kb]

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