10.13 BetterTouchTool.dmg download

Main category / Utilities
Sub category / System
Developer / Andreas Hegenberg
Filesize / 21299
Title / BetterTouchTool

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BetterTouchTool allows you to customize many different types of gestures. On the Magic Mouse, these include pinch in/out (zoom), single finger tap left, single finger tap right, single finger tap, two finger tap, two finger click, two finger swipe (up/down/left/right), three finger tap, three finger click, three finger swipe (up/down/left/right) and 'TipTap' left/right.
Added option to delay the triggering of the "Move Mouse To Corner" triggers (in the "Other" tab in BTT)
BTT has been supporting window snapping for years. It is a nice feature which lets users maximizing the screen estate by dragging windows to either side of the screen and split it, without the needs to manually move them around and resize.
Improved drag to top Mission Control delay (while maximizing windows, it often happened that Mission Control showed up. It now requires more "force" to bring up Mission Control.). This can be disabled in Adanvced Settings =>Window Snapping => "El capitan: Delay Mission Control on top edge".
5 tips to make macOS more efficient on the go (TechRepublic)
Easy keyboard navigation (select clipping with arrow keys, press enter to paste)
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Key for repack BetterTouchTool

Continue with the initial setup to get BetterTouchTool up and running. BetterTouchTool currently requires macOS 10.10 or higher but versions supporting as far back as macOS 10.6 are available from the developer's site. Reviews About The Author Added a new, cool, customizable screenshot action (uses the default OS X screencapture command-line tool and is very customizable) 4 Ways BetterTouchTool Is the Ultimate Mac Productivity App The range of any action defined in BetterTouchTool can be global (system-wide) in nature or restricted to a single application, depending on the selection you make for it in the sidebar. For opening apps and the like, stick with Global, because we want to be able to open an app whatever we happen to be doing at the time. Now let’s see how to set up a custom keyboard shortcut from the Keyboard section:

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