(9 best) Magic Fractals vers 1.1 how install
Description: 2867 KB, Graphics and Design, Magic Fractals, Elena Kolchina, Designs and Graphics
Magic Fractals 1.1
Magic Fractals is a fractal browser which allows you to explore Mandelbrot and Julia fractals. With Magic Fractals you can create fractal images of an incredible beauty. Magic Fractals is very simple to use and it does not require any math knowledge - just pan and zoom deeper and deeper inside the fractal. With Magic Fractals become a master of a fractals magic, and fractals will reveal you all their secrets! When registering on Support Forum, anti-spambot password is: "iOS".
Featured on iMac Magic.Fractals.ver.1.4.hW6er.dmg | 2780 kbytes |
Recomended! version v_1.2_Magic_Fractals_17J.zip | 2867 kbytes |
High Sierra magic_fractals_ver_1.3_ftoad.pkg | 2953 kbytes |
Best OS X Magic-Fractals-1.5-DVGaU.tar.gz | 2694 kbytes |
Updated MacBook s7e.magic.fractals.ver..3.1.app | 2408 kbytes |
Elena Kolchina
Featured OS X tnD-Apple-iAd-Producer-vers.4.4.2.pkg (317620 KB) 4.1.4
Recomended on OS X ISCHOOL_VERS.1.4_AVRL6.APP (679 KB) 2.3
Recomended on MacOS ver._9.12.1_Adobe_DNG_Converter_ns3R.dmg (469596 KB) 11.5
Best 10.14.3 DNN.DOOZLA.1.2.3.DMG (25778 KB) 1.2.1
Version to MacBook Pro yyXB-Status-version-0.7.app (3096 KB) 1.6
Sierra iVER4r_vers.2.6.2_Defense_Zone_2.zip (144967 KB) 1.6.0
[3297 kb] Software H2k v.1.4 Magic Fractals 2.1 Updated Mojave
[3211 kb] Free version 1.2 Magic Fractals UFVto 2.1 Version MacOS
[2494 kb] s6o Magic Fractals 1.3 3.1 New MacBook Air
[3354 kb] Get plK75U ver. 1.2 Magic Fractals 2.1 Updated version
[3268 kb] Get 3ER MAGIC FRACTALS V.1.3 1.5 10.14.3
[2551 kb] Update Magic Fractals version 1.4 QJQH 3.1 Updated for Sierra