Classic strategy/puzzle game. ✅ how download to iMac Pro

Description: Minesweeper 101; Ross Franklin; Puzzle; 614 KB; Games

minesweeper 101 2.7.2

Minesweeper 101 is a refreshingly clean, yet authentic interpretation of the classic strategy/puzzle game for Mac. The object of the game is to identify all mine squares by revealing all non-mine squares. All around the best minesweeper experience available. Players can play the Beginner board in this 101 version, and then upgrade to the full version which has five preset boards as well as custom. Features: - Preset and custom board settings are available. - Window can be resized at any time - Always opens an area on the first reveal of a game. - Double-click or press both buttons to reveal adjacent squares. - A Right-click anywhere after a game, or click the clock to start a new game. - Save and load games for records. - Best times are tracked in a high score table. - Chording is available for fast double-clicking. - The Inspector tool shows live game statistics. - The mouse path is tracked and can be shown after a game. - Color preferences are available. NOTICE A mouse with two separate buttons is ideal for this game. If you use a trackpad or magic mouse, be sure to enable secondary clicks in your system preferences.

Featured! version (663 kb)
High Sierra Minesweeper_101_2.7.5_QBU.tar.gz (644 kb)
Updated version 2.9.2-minesweeper-101-z2hsks.pkg (675 kb)
Featured! version (497 kb)

Ross Franklin

Version for iMac Pro | 9070 KB |
Best! version | 1069 KB | 2.3
Featured to OS X VERS.2.5_OVERPICTURE_1F7V5.TAR.GZ | 4313 KB | 1.7
Version to OS X vers.1.3.3-JumpBox-for-Foswiki-Wiki-System-AJphK.dmg | 141496 KB | 2.1.3
Featured! version | 49086 KB | 4.1.2

App m9k v.2.8.2 Minesweeper 101 2.7.5 for El Captan
Minesweeper 101 v.4.7.2 3uDEj7 2.7.4 Recomended! version
Q8U VERS 2.7.3 MINESWEEPER 101 2.7.6 Updated version
Update vers.2.8.2 Minesweeper 101 TnA4y4 2.7.6 to MacBook

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