Pillars of Eternity vers 3.0.8 how download for 10.11.6

Description: Obsidian Entertainment; Adventure; 8388607 KB; Games; Pillars of Eternity


Pillars of Eternity is a lengthy and enjoyable role-playing game that springs from a time-honored tradition. Prepare to be enchanted by a world where the choices you make and the paths you choose shape your destiny. Obsidian Entertainment, the developer of Fallout: New Vegas and South Park: The Stick of Truth, together with Paradox Interactive is proud to present Pillars of Eternity. Recapture the deep sense of exploration, the joy of a pulsating adventure, and the thrill of leading your own band of companions across a new fantasy realm and into the depths of monster-infested dungeons in search of lost treasures and ancient mysteries. So gather your party, venture forth, and embrace adventure as you delve into a realm of wonder, nostalgia, and the excitement of classic RPGs with Obsidian's Pillars of Eternity! Features - Play as any one of six races: Human, Aumaua, Dwarf, Elf, Godlike and Orlan. Utilize five core skills to overcome any situation: Stealth, Athletics, Lore, Mechanics and Survival. - Deep character customization: Build a character as one of eleven classes such as Barbarian, Chanter, Cipher, Druid, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Ranger, Rogue and Wizard. - Sculpt your own story: Side with various factions using a reputation system, where your actions and choices have far reaching consequences. - Explore a rich and diverse world: Beautiful pre-rendered environments laced with an engaging story and characters bring the world to life. Languages Supported: English, Russian, Chinese, Spanish, French, German, Korean, and Japanese. Note: This application contains in-app and/or external module purchases.

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Obsidian Entertainment
Official site:

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