for 10.14.2 vers 1.0.3d0 bac4mac how download

C Smith Software 4506 KB Backup Utilities Bac4mac

➜ Bac4mac v.1.0.3d0

Bac4mac is a simple piece of software by C Smith Software that allows you to back up files and folders from your Mac hard drive to another place (usually on an external drive). When Bac4mac caries out a backup, it does not create any strange 'image' files, it simply copies new and updates existing files in the specified destination folders. The backed up files can then be read by any other Apple Mac computer.

Recomended for OS X BAC4MAC.VER.1.0.4D0.6LHFGT.DMG {5317 KB}
for iMac Pro 1.2.3d0-Bac4mac-itDEWA.dmg {4235 KB}

C Smith Software
Torrent version key

Recomended! version MedINRIA.vers.1.9.2.JyuP.dmg [38502 kb] 2.9.0
Featured for MacOS [47309 kb] 1.1
Recomended for MacBook Air [651212 kb] 1.2.0
for Mac Pro PHOTO.PLAYER.VER.0.4.0.OPA.ZIP [119478 kb] 0.6.0
Recomended! version AsJ-ver-3.3-BeeFont.pkg [422 kb] 1.6

[4235 kb] Update v 1.0.7d0 Bac4mac OcYR 1.0.6d0 Sierra
[4956 kb] Software v 1.2.3d0 Bac4mac cuU 1.0.7d0 Version El Captan
[4776 kb] Update DwR20 Bac4mac 1.2.3d0 1.0.6d0 Best on 10.14
[4325 kb] Software version 1.0.6d0 Bac4mac dI48Hv 1.0.5d0 10.13

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