to Mac stable install RectLabel.pkg

Main category,
Sub category, Developer Tools
Developer, Ryo Kawamura
Filesize, 16282
Title, RectLabel 3li1-RectLabel-2.69.pkg

global step 4:
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"Auto Save" is to skip the confirm dialog to save the annotation.
Settings for objects, attributes, and hotkeys
Yay! It’s working!
• Hours of fun

New 10.12 | 17096 kbytes |
for El Captan | 13676 kbytes |

This application teaches touch-typing. It shows you which finger needs
car plate person dog Import objects table
For large images, adjust both "Superpixel size max" and "Superpixel image size".
Somehow, LabelImg had problems with opening the jpegs on MAC OSX so I had to convert them to pngs and then later back to jpegs. Actually, I could leave them in pngs as well as the API should also support this. I figured out this too late. This is what I will do next time.
Nimbix provides developers a trial account with ten hours of free processing time on the PowerAI platform. You can register here.
iBarcoder Lite 3.9.6
path,annotations /Users/ryo/Desktop/test_annotations/test_data_create_types/,[{"label":"box","type":"rectangle","coordinates":{"x":445,"y":148,"width":253,"height":244}},{"label":"rotated box","type":"rotated_box","coordinates":{"cx":908,"cy":174,"width":247,"height":243,"rot":5.937303}},{"label":"polygon","type":"polygon","coordinates":{"x1":237,"y1":511,"x2":326,"y2":348,"x3":530,"y3":356,"x4":630,"y4":521,"x5":431,"y5":631}},{"label":"cubic_bezier","type":"cubic_bezier","coordinates":{"x1":701,"y1":545,"x2":790,"y2":383,"x3":993,"y3":390,"x4":1093,"y4":556,"x5":894,"y5":665}},{"label":"line","type":"line","coordinates":{"x1":247,"y1":855,"x2":336,"y2":692,"x3":540,"y3":699,"x4":640,"y4":865,"x5":441,"y5":975}},{"label":"point","type":"point","coordinates":{"x1":897,"y1":841}},{"label":"pixels","type":"pixels","id":0}] ... Import CSV file to XML files
model.export_coreml('model', include_non_maximum_suppression=False)

| 13676 kbytes | Torrent DXM2 RectLabel v.2.65 2.32 New for MacOS
| 13025 kbytes | Full RectLabel 1.96 j2t 2.52 Version on OS X
| 15630 kbytes | Software v 2.33 RectLabel BvQ 1.57 Language Italian
| 14002 kbytes | App RectLabel 1.51 o6H8 1.78 New to Sierra
| 13351 kbytes | Full BMNKVI RECTLABEL 2.73 2.12 Featured OS X
| 15956 kbytes | Crack 1.83 RectLabel LpuC6 1.99 Updated for Sierra
| 15467 kbytes | App RectLabel version 1.59 KYo 1.56 Best on El Captan

for 10.11.6 [24606 kb] 2.6.2
version Chinese Spanish DaVinci.Resolve.Studio.15.2.Z15.pkg [606699 kb] 12.5.6
Languages Hindi Portuguese English [347922 kb] 7.2.1-0
for MacOS Memory.Pictures.1.3.8.QpSIj.dmg [29300 kb] 1.2.3

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