safe stable version how install VERS. 3.2.0 NOTECAFE
Productivity / noteCafe / 14336 KB / / Kunio Takeuchi
⭐ vers 3.2.0 noteCafe
noteCafe is for recording day-to-day events and interesting web pages and ideas that you can refer to later. With a rich search function and filters to help you find the your old notes quickly. noteCafe supports iCloud so you will be able to share data between your iPhone, iPad and Mac. In addition to text, you can attach images, movies, PDF, files (Such as iWork file). Stay organized with tags that can be attached to each page. Insert lists and tables or full HTML files. noteCafe supports markup and includes some powerful import and export functions.
Best Mojave
10.11.5 vbew_notecafe_vers.2.5.2.tar.gz
Kunio Takeuchi
for El Captan 3.3.8
Recomended! version SAFECOPY_BACKUP_2.0_20LG.PKG 1.1
{16343 kb} Free ozU 3.2.3 noteCafe 2.5.2 New El Captan
{14192 kb} Software noteCafe v 3.5.0 V6yHtS 2.5.3 New to 10.12.5
{15626 kb} Software fsGvue noteCafe 3.1.2 3.4.0 Updated for MacOS
{16056 kb} Software ver. 3.2.1 noteCafe ef1pLZ 3.1.0 Version on Mojave