2019 how download v.3.3.19 Pickpocket

Description: 69 KB, Canisbos Computing, Internet, Plugins, Pickpocket

◆ v 3.3.19 Pickpocket

Pickpocket is an extension for Safari and Google Chrome that lets you view, search, and open links from and add them to your Pocket, Delicious, Kippt, or Google Bookmarks account in a convenient popover window. The extension has two basic modes of operation. In list mode, clicking Pickpocket's toolbar button will open a popover containing a list of your Pocket links. Initially, the popover will list all of your unread links. You can search all your links by typing something in the search bar. In tabs mode, when you click the toolbar button, Pickpocket will simply open all of your unread links in new tabs. (If you have more than 10 unread links, the extension will ask you to confirm opening them.) In either mode, Pickpocket can auto-archive links when you activate (or close, your choice) their tabs.

New! version Pickpocket-v.3.6.19-TwY.pkg [57 kbytes]
New to MacOS 3hO.vers.3.3.20.Pickpocket.tar.gz [55 kbytes]
to 10.13.6 QBQ4.vers.3.3.22.Pickpocket.pkg [67 kbytes]
Version 10.11.4 3.5.19_Pickpocket_7hWMS.zip [80 kbytes]
Featured 10.13.5 Pickpocket_3.4.19_KovRG.tar.gz [67 kbytes]
Featured for High Sierra pickpocket-version-3.3.21-cbtyg3.app [57 kbytes]

Canisbos Computing
Official site: http://canisbos.com/pickpocket

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Free UOJ5U PICKPOCKET VER 3.3.20 5.3.19 Featured 10.12.4
Update 5.3.19 Pickpocket pBGhD 3.3.20 for OS X
App PICKPOCKET 3.6.19 2AVAMK 3.3.23 New High Sierra

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