on Mojave DrawDown vers 1.1.1 how download

Description: Developer Tools
5427 KB
RED When Excited



DrawDown was inspired by John Gruber's Markdown, and has very similar goals: create a human-readable plain-text format to create rich output. Of course images are not like text, so the format respects the domain. Think of it as a plain-text Photoshop. There is a free command-line tool available, but the DrawDown app is an interactive editor. Because I need to eat, and because editing images is a visual task, DrawDown is available to buy. It lets you see what you are building as you build it; when you're done, generate the images directly from there, or refer to the file in your scripts. Simple. You can demo the app before purchasing.

Featured on El Captan NK458x_ver_1.1.4_DrawDown.app (4395 KB)
Featured Sierra UB5-DRAWDOWN-VERSION-1.4.1.TAR.GZ (6241 KB)
New 10.14.2 vers.3.1.1-DrawDown-CH2.zip (5481 KB)
Sierra KUCJ8-VER.-1.2.1-DRAWDOWN.ZIP (5589 KB)

RED When Excited

Updated OS X AWeO.Orion.Label.And.Print.Studio.v.2.42.zip [50559 kb] 3.04
10.13.4 OpenMenu-X-2.10-w2qrtr.app [22404 kb] 2.9
for 10.13 66ZyDP_ver_3.0_Otherworld:_Omens_of_Summer.dmg [557957 kb] 1.4

Software 1.1.3 DrawDown 93tOf 3.1.1 Updated for Mac Pro
ACS DrawDown v.1.3.1 1.1.5 MacOS
App DRAWDOWN 1.1.5 OXNXOZ 1.1.2 Version to MacBook Air
bXvmx v.1.1.4 DrawDown 1.3.1 on Mojave
Software V 1.4.1 DRAWDOWN 5X8W5R 1.1.5 Version to High Sierra

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