1.4 doclight ❤️ how install on iMac

File Management, Utilities, Muharrem Ozkan, Doclight, 2253 KB

v 1.4 doclight

Doclight is a utility which will dramatically increase your productivity at work. The time you are wasting to reach the information in your documents will be minimum with it. It will make you able to find what you are looking for within thousands of documents instantly. It is system integrated. You can start a search directly from system menu bar like Spotlight. This is the free version for you to try. Features: - Page ranking system - Word distance algorithm - Emphasize power ranking (Header, title, paragraph detection) - File name filtering - Higher rank for up-to-date files - Quick navigation between pages in different documents - Highlighting keywords in different colors Note: This application contains in-app and/or external module purchases.

10.14.1 v.1.7_Doclight_1NDtG.app (1824 kbytes)
Updated on High Sierra Doclight-ver-1.8-kO76et.dmg (1802 kbytes)
Mac mini ver-3.4-Doclight-lFcRe.zip (2658 kbytes)

Muharrem Ozkan
Site: http://doclight.info
Torrent version key Doclight

iMac A0FJ-CHRISTMAS-PUZZLE-1.0.5.PKG | 61931 kb | 2.0.2
MacBook 1rF7U9.3.1.Ultra.Translator.app | 440 kb | 2.3
for Sierra YV2M_ISREVER_TWIST_V_1.0.9.DMG | 26931 kb | 1.0.8
for OS X Hhdt-Song-Buddy-1.9.zip | 745 kb | 1.6

(2681 kb) App BQO DOCLIGHT VERSION 1.5 1.6 Updated version
(2140 kb) Update Doclight v.1.7 q5WDte 1.8 Updated version
(1915 kb) Get DOCLIGHT 1.8 ZICFQK 2.4 New! version
(1824 kb) Update dP6oY 3.4 Doclight 1.7 on Mac Pro
(2185 kb) App Doclight ver 3.4 F8unp 2.4 High Sierra

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