High Sierra install Logtalk vers 3.25.0 (.app)

Main category - Development
Sub category - Compilers
Developer - Paulo Moura
Filesize - 18637
Title - Logtalk

https://hideuri.com/xo67JJ Logtalk vers 3.25.0

Logtalk is distributed with several sets of unit tests, which you may want to run using your chosen back-end Prolog compiler. Note that lack of compliance with both official and de facto Prolog standards may result in failed unit tests. These issues usually can only be fixed by the Prolog implementers. The installation is not well-documented and on Windows you will need to get a separate linker (usually the one from MS Visual Studio/C++). Even though a binary installer is provided for Windows, the dependencies are not installed and the application is not registered in the Path. Also, you cannot compile anything with it if a file name contains a space or if you install YAP in C:\Program Files. GNU Prolog builds and runs better on Mac OS X (tested) and Linux. Updated YAP 4.3.x config file for better Logtalk integration by hiding all internal compiler, runtime, and compiled entities static predicates. ADDED: Unit tests for the calls/2 property of the object_property/2 and category_property built-in predicates. Applied several low-level optimizations to the Logtalk compiler/runtime. FIXED: The predicate_property/2 built-in method would return the wrong class in the redefined_from/1-2 properties when the object receiving the message was an instance.
Official site:
Recomended! version https://macpkg.icu/?id=26980&kw=3.11.2.LOGTALK.HCMOKG.APP [17146 kb]
10.14 https://macpkg.icu/?id=26980&kw=CTB-LOGTALK-3.23.0.APP [20314 kb]

FIXED: Bug in the debugger tool where the character used as line prefix when tracing to indicate if a spy point is set would not be promptly updated when adding or removing a spy point for the current goal.
Updated built-in method predicate_property/2 for returning metapredicate/1 properties for both Logtalk and Prolog metapredicates.
Added a new state-space search problem, "", contributed by Paula Marisa Sampaio, to the "searching" example.
Updated the Logtalk compiler in order to preprocess proprietary Prolog directives within entities (using any defined config file hooks) after term-expansion but before trying to compile the directives as Logtalk directives. This change allows for simpler and more robust handling of Prolog proprietary directives, specially module directives.
Renamed the alternative compilation and documentation directory names on all config files to be compatible across operating-systems. Removed unused predicate '$lgt_reverse'/2 from all config files.
Corrected a bug (introduced in version 2.35.1) in the Logtalk compiler that prevented compilation of Prolog modules as objects.
NEW: Barrier synchronization multi-threading example, checkpoint, originally coded for a Rosetta Code programming task.
First of all, make sure to log into your Mac with an administrator account, or you will be asked for a password when you try to delete something.

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