where download ⚡️ v.1.2.4 Project Canvas working 2019 version

Description: Presentation Tools 13619 KB Business Koingo Software, Inc. Project Canvas

◆ Project Canvas v.1.2.4

Project Canvas is a multimedia presentation tool, much like industry giant PowerPoint, but comes at the fraction of the cost. Create click-by-click adventure games, interactive tutorials, storybooks, school presentations, and more. Sporting a cross-platform compatible file format, Project Canvas files can also contain an unlimited number of cards and buttons. Buttons can perform a variety of actions from getting and setting variables, playing movies, and transitioning between cards with visual effects to playing sounds, playing music, speaking text, prompting the user for feedback and more! One of the most versatile features of Project Canvas is the ability to export a Stand Alone copy of a stack. The stack will be exported as an executable file that can be run without having to have Project Canvas installed! In addition, specify special kiosk-style features like hiding the menubar or making the stack run full screen.

Featured for High Sierra Project-Canvas-v.1.4.4-fELBYa.tar.gz {14027 kbytes}
Mojave version_1.2.6_project_canvas_d6v2ap.tar.gz {11439 kbytes}
Updated MacOS Project.Canvas.ver..1.2.5.MGJW0.zip {13482 kbytes}
Version on 10.13 HXWB.PROJECT.CANVAS.VERSION.1.2.8.DMG {11439 kbytes}
10.11.4 V.1.3.4.PROJECT.CANVAS.SKA.TAR.GZ {16206 kbytes}

Koingo Software, Inc.
Site: http://www.koingosw.com/products/projectcanvas/
Software key 1.2.4 Project Canvas

Updated version sHq4d7_1Player_3.7.tar.gz | 7573 kb | 2.10
Updated version TSH.SYNK.PRO.7.0.16.PKG | 6651 kb | 7.3.12
to Sierra FIO5Z_WATERFALL_VER_1.2.3.ZIP | 368 kb | 1.5.0
iMac 3.2.1-ShuffleSaver-6xUvR.tar.gz | 288 kb | 2.2.1

{11303 kbytes} Software v 1.2.6 Project Canvas 0hP7s 1.4.4 10.11.6
{13482 kbytes} version 1.2.6 Project Canvas t1pmO 2.2.4 Featured on Mac Pro
{13074 kbytes} App Project Canvas vers.1.5.4 SmQ1m 3.2.4 Updated version
{15117 kbytes} App vjG5 vers.1.2.5 Project Canvas 1.2.8 iMac Pro
{13755 kbytes} Update v.1.4.4 Project Canvas 2gC50 3.2.4 10.12.6
{13346 kbytes} Get PROJECT CANVAS VERS 1.2.6 C0WKVM 3.2.4 iMac Pro
{15389 kbytes} Free v.1.2.8 Project Canvas jlf 1.3.4 10.12

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