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Home Personal 217088 KB Finale PrintMusic Music MakeMusic, Inc.


Finale PrintMusic is the fast, easy way to bring your music to life with professional results. From the makers of Finale, the world's leading music notation software, PrintMusic is perfect for songwriters, students, teachers, church musicians, and band leaders. No matter your musical emphasis (classical, jazz, rock, etc.) Finale PrintMusic music composition software provides high-quality results without the expense of our more comprehensive products, Allegro and Finale 2009. PrintMusic music-making software is geared towards educators, musicians, composers, and others who don't need the advanced engraving capabilities of Finale 2009 or the other advanced features in Allegro. At such a low cost, no other music composition software provides the number of features and intuitive interface that PrintMusic does, making this the ideal software for most casual composers. When you don't want to pay for features you don't need, but still want professional quality software, PrintMusic is the product for you.

Version on Mac mini Finale-PrintMusic-S7D8t6.pkg (247480 kbytes)
Sierra 2c2_Finale_PrintMusic.app (232284 kbytes)

MakeMusic, Inc.
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