(10 best) on 10.13.5 how install vers. 3.2 CaraCaraC

Description: 4301 KB / Business / Traintrain Software / Word Processing / CaraCaraC

v.3.2 caracarac

CaraCaraC is a characters counter. It displays the statistics about the characters of any text. CaraCaraC displays the total number of characters used in the text (including or not including punctuation marks and unprintable characters), the list of the different characters with, for each of them, the ranking, the number of occurrences, the frequency and cumulative frequency in percent. The results can be saved as file or printed. This application works with any kind of writing but is chiefly designed for asian writings : in particular, CaraCaraC is a useful chinese characters counter.

Updated for MacBook Air wOWP.5.2.CaraCaraC.tar.gz (4473 kb)
New! version CaraCaraC_ver_3.4_Tzro.pkg (5161 kb)
Featured! version 4uk1cw_v_3.5_CaraCaraC.app (3956 kb)
Recomended! version OkK-CaraCaraC-3.3.dmg (4430 kb)
Featured MacBook Pro vers.3.6-CaraCaraC-bra.pkg (4085 kb)
Best Mac Pro BMXO-CARACARAC-VER-4.2.ZIP (4214 kb)

Traintrain Software
Official: http://www.traintrain-software.com/index.php?page=caracarac&langue=en

for MacOS WvJQ4m-The-Tuttles-Madcap-Misadventures-version-4.0.tar.gz 2.3
Updated for 10.11.6 Atari800MacX.ver..4.7.0.TEvwX.pkg 4.8.0
Recomended 10.13.6 VERSION-3.1-AUDIOBOOK-BINDER-D7H.TAR.GZ 2.2

| 4042 KB | Update version 3.3 CaraCaraC 3dp 5.2 Version 10.13
| 4473 KB | Free ver 3.5 CaraCaraC q8h 3.4 iMac
| 4602 KB | Get qh39 3.6 CaraCaraC 5.2 Featured! version
| 3956 KB | Download v3lkr CaraCaraC 3.5 3.4 Featured! version

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