Thanks and sh*t. Seriously

Автор: Black Dating Service

My dad’s pancakes.

The nba league pass.

“The broke diaries”

My exquisite beard

A nice supply of starch, along with a reliable iron and ironing board

Cocktail sauce


The closer i get to my favorite holiday, the more i reflect on everything that makes my life more enjoyable. when your head is glued to a computer monitor 8 hours a day nose is stuck to the grindstone, its easy to lose sight of the positive aspects of our lives, and i’m not so holier than thou that i can’t admit that sometimes, it does take the presence of an event like thanksgiving to help me remember that.

With this, as well as the seemingly constant acrimony between the sexes in mind, i’ve decided to devote today to naming a couple things i’ve always appreciated about women.

The bipolaresqueness

Although i’ve said this many times before, its worth repeating. as much as i talk sh*t and incessantly rail about women’s seemingly inherent manic-depressiveness…i wouldnt want ya’ll any other way. i realize that, generally speaking, women are typically more emotional beings than we are. you can argue whether or not the cause of this is nature or nurture, biology or socialization, but you can’t argue this truth.

Thing is, that same reservoir of emotion and feeling is part of what enables women to put up with our admittedly maddening bullsh*t, a dichotomy that allows them to be come off as hardwired assh*les (heh) while still loving us with all of their conniving, manipulative hearts

The giggle

Theres nothing more synonymously feminine than the giggle, and nothing more endearing than a woman who isn’t afraid to. from a bi-product of playful bedroom teasing to the recognition of a blush worthy comment, the giggle has myriad uses…each of them as alluring and adorable as the next.

***honestly, the jiggle and the giggle subtests hold equal resonance on the wife exam. seriously. for those women intensely cramming for the next scheduled round of tests, here’s a virtual cheatsheet from the champ. if you manage to giggle while walking and jiggling your hips, you’re guaranteed at least a b minus***

The initial demure“ooh” sound

A sign of better things to come (lazy pun intended), there might not be a better sound on earth than the one women make when you first, ummm, “pass the guarded gate“. for some its accompanied by a deep exhale and extended closing of the eyes. for others its anything ranging from a wince of painfully pleasurable ambivalence to a slightly whispered “damn“, but regardless of whatever else comes with it, that first demure “ooh” when you first enter her body, that first non-ambiguous recognition of another person inside of her, makes all the trials and tribulations you willingly partake in to get to that point worth it

i could continue, but i’m trying to keep this entry under 20,000 words, lol.

So, falks…what exactly about the opposite sex are YOU grateful for?

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