Indoor Baby Pool

Автор: Black Dating Service

It’s a good thing that ninjas don’t read.

And do you know why? Of course you don’t. Here’s why: according to a study conducted by a professor at the State University of New York at Albany, women who have unprotected sex are less depressed and less likely to commit suicide than those women who have protected sex. It would seem that man’s happy juice actually…

…makes you feel better.

Who knew that after all those years of trying to convince women that it was good for your hair, skin, and nails every time we “missed”, that the truth is it really IS helpful to your life. Intro had it right. Give a chick a little Rawdog Hanglow and Frosting and you just might save her life. How about that?

The finding that women who do not use condoms during sex are less depressed and less likely to attempt suicide than are women who have sex with condoms and women who are not sexually active, leads one researcher to conclude that semen contains powerful—and potentially addictive—mood-altering chemicals.

Can you imagine the game that these young boys might be running on their chicky counterparts with this type of knowledge? Even further, how many women upon reading that information really considered it like, “I haven’t been in the best moods lately, perhaps I just need some of that long schlong and sauce combo.”

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It’s interesting, no? And it does open a whole barrage of questions and ponderances. Face it, there are a lot of women out there who don’t seem happy that most of us think need some stroking anyway. So imagine if they got the daddy stroke and the children’s pool? They might become the happiest women on Earth. Hell we might be able to singlehandedly save relationships this way. Keep a chick happy, or at least away from being depressed, and she won’t be a raging maniac. No stereotypes.

I wonder if any men, in all seriousness, would notice that their girlfriends were going through “something” and suggest this as a means of possibly making them feel better. I wonder if any woman would actually go for this. Which brings up another interesting question: who’s more likely to suggest going raw, men or women?

I bring that up because I’m sure it depends on who you ask. Women are going to say that men are always trying to get in the pool with no life preserver, but I know plenty of women who are anti-condoms and will think its okay to go raw as long as you trust the person you’re with. I’ve also heard the words from a woman, “it’s okay if you don’t have a jimi, I’m on the pill. We’re fine.” I can’t imagine too many people fessing up to that one but I’m really curious as to who’s most likely to suggest it.

As you can see, I really just wanted to post this article up and get people’s reaction to it. I mean we all know that fellatio makes women feel better about themselves but this new – legit – study adds a whole new dimension to the debate. Not that I expect women everywhere to decide to run raw, especially given today’s cesspool environment and the potential STD cocktail awaiting many unsuspecting victims.

But I ask of you, falks, would you consider having unprotected sexxy time if you knew it would keep you from being depressed, or let’s even see, we knew scientifically that it would make you feel better? Men would you be okay with that? Or would you agree to do such a thing? Like is this one of those things where you only agree to do it so long as all the proper tests have been administered and the chick on birth control? Say she wasn’t on the BC but you KNEW it would effectively get her out of the funk she’s been in for the past two months? Ladies, would you do it? Fellas, would you be up for it?

This is a curious topic because, it’s just so odd. Falks, what say you?

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