final Logtalk download on iMac Pro

Main category - Development
Sub category - Compilers
Developer - Paulo Moura
Filesize - 18637
Title - Logtalk ● v 3.25.0 Logtalk

Installation IMPROVED: Tests for the create_logtalk_flag/3 built-in predicate. FIXED: Saving referenced modules for use by the reflection API when the module is only bound at runtime. Added support for the SHJS syntax highlighter. ADDED: Support for a number_of_clauses/1 entity property when the source_data flag is on. The number of clauses includes all clauses for multifile predicates that an entity defines on behalf of another entity. - Compatible with most Prolog compilers

Version to 10.11 {19755 kbytes}
Featured Mojave {19382 kbytes}

ADDED: Support for predicate_property/2 properties number_of_clauses/1, declared_in/2, defined_in/2, and redefined_from/2. These properties are only available, however, when the source_data flag is turned on. FIXED: The compiler could fail to properly report non-callable terms used as goals in predicate clauses. I am a Mac OS X user, if that would be of any help. ADDED: Additional unit tests for the ISO Prolog standard acyclic_term/1, close/1-2, current_op/3, float/1, integer/1, nl/1, setof/3, sort/2, subsumes_term/2, stream_property/2, term_variables/2, unify_with_occurs_check/2, and term comparison built-in predicates. Corrected a race condition bug when running multi-threaded code compiled in debug mode that could result in bogus failures. Simplified the code used to generate links in the and XSLT files. Added Windows JScript script for copying the Logtalk examples, library, and xml directories to the user directory. Added an optimization and safety compiler option, "dynamic_declarations", that allows objects to be compiled with support for dynamic declaration of predicates (using the built-in database methods asserta/1 and assertz/1) either enabled or disabled. The default value (set in the config files) is "off" (disabled).

(21432 kb) Software KDL VER. 3.27.0 LOGTALK 3.25.2 Best Sierra
(19568 kb) Get EBWp6p Logtalk vers 3.24.0 3.21.0 Updated for OS X
(15095 kb) Get U3CVS VERS.3.28.0 LOGTALK 3.11.1 for iMac
(21805 kb) v7F ver 3.25.3 Logtalk 3.27.0 to iMac
(19941 kb) App LOGTALK 3.11.0 6JF8 3.26.0 Best! version
(19382 kb) Software LOGTALK VERS.3.11.0 MGOGC 3.25.2 High Sierra
(22178 kb) Software Logtalk 3.23.0 GOcyXn 3.25.3 Recomended Mac

to iMac Pro 11.14
Best for iMac ETUNES_2.1.9_RYVOQ.TAR.GZ 2.1.8
on Mac Pro ver_3.2_AstroGuider_qkK.tar.gz 3.5
MacOS 6.0.22

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