(9 Install) GIFSKI installer to Mac mini
Main category - Multimedia Design
Sub category - Video
Developer - Sindre Sorhus
Filesize - 5222
Title - Gifski
♦ https://goolnk.com/aLdl0j version 1.7.0 Gifski
Web, App or Both: Web, iOS and Andriod
Drag-and- drop support
All in all its one of the leaders.
DockProgress - Show progress in your app's Dock icon
Featured Mojave https://macpkg.icu/?id=60487&kw=Gifski_v.1.4.1_i1Gz.pkg
Recomended 10.13.5 https://macpkg.icu/?id=60487&kw=x4uiu-vers.1.7.2-gifski.app
on Sierra https://macpkg.icu/?id=60487&kw=1TO.Gifski.1.7.1.app
Key for repack
GIPHY - All the GIFs and create your own from image or video Add media from the usual places, images and video. It doesn't take URL's though. Peek makes it easy to create short screencasts of a screen area. It was built for the specific use case of recording screen areas, e.g. for easily showing UI features of your own apps or for showing a bug in bug reports. With Peek you simply place the Peek window over the area you want to record and press “Record.” Peek is optimized for generating animated GIFs, but you can also directly record to WebM or MP4 if you prefer. Gifski’s workflow will be a lot better if it had a GUI for Linux users. Sadly, only Mac users can enjoy that feature at the moment. Maybe it’s for the best. Can be compiled as a library to use in other applications. 0.7.1 ... a year ago License: $ sudo apt install ffmpeg
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| 5117 KB | Latest 1.7.2 Gifski UPr 1.4.0 10.11.4
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