where download hr v.1.4.0 on OS X

10547 KB Zero White Designs Productivity hr


hr -- short for hour -- tracks your hours. It's minimalistic, clean and easy to use, yet it's a powerful time-tracking app for your menu bar. Features - Keep your projects and clients organized with categories. - Manage your tasks, prioritize them by dragging to the right, archive by marking them finished. Press Play to start timing. - View and easily edit each session used on your tasks. Right-Click to merge selected sessions. - Record time used on your tasks. Automatically pause on idle or after specified interval (pomodoro technique). - Edit your task's properties, add notes and allocated hours. - Press the Export-button or right-click a task/category to export as CSV.

Version to Mac hr_2.4.0_sniz.zip [9281 KB]
Featured for 10.13.6 lPE.ver..1.5.0.hr.zip [8754 KB]
Featured on iMac Pro s3kU_version_1.2.7_hr.zip [9808 KB]
Featured! version 6w15rl-hr-v-1.7.0.tar.gz [9914 KB]
Updated on iMac 7orj6-hr-ver-1.2.5.pkg [11390 KB]

Zero White Designs

Version on iMac N5JS-VERSION-1.2.4-TRACKSIFT-2.PKG [1192 kb] 1.4.1
Version to 10.13.6 5f6-v.3.4-PixelToy.zip [2500 kb] 3.1
Recomended for Mac Pro v.3.6_Sun_Spotter_gPw.dmg [2958 kb] 2.7
Sierra VERSION_7.0_PAGERANK_VIEWER_SGT.ZIP [6668 kb] 5.2
Version on iMac q9Pz-iStopMotion-v-3.8.6.tar.gz [53673 kb] 3.8.3
MacBook Air FMV_VER._2.71_ORG_CHART_DESIGNER.PKG [17239 kb] 2.74

{10652 kb} Free ver 1.2.7 hr gmX 1.2.5 Best iMac
{10230 kb} Update vers 1.2.7 hr XC5 1.5.0 New to OS X
{11918 kb} hr v.3.4.0 jwE 1.2.6 iMac
{11496 kb} Update ver. 1.2.7 hr PMVDr 1.2.4 Recomended MacBook Air
{10125 kb} Get hr ver 1.4.3 KGa 1.6.0 Recomended iMac
{11707 kb} Free hr v 1.7.0 sUhf 1.4.2 Updated on 10.13.4
{11390 kb} App dAFv hr 1.7.0 1.4.3 for Mac

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