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What is academic style and how to avoid mistakes?


Writing a term paper requires from you not only knowledge of the subject, but also the ability to express your thoughts in writing. It is at this point that difficulties arise - you can be a good economist, but writing a high-quality scientific text will not help you.

Coursework uses an academic (aka scientific) style of writing. The characteristic features of the academic style are accuracy and concreteness, the absence of artistic metaphors and a large number of introductory and connecting phrases.

The academic style is presented something like this: “Thus, it should be noted that, based on all of the above, we can conclude that there is no conceptual clarity of the work of art considered by researchers, which brings us to the idea of ​​the special significance of the author’s personal individuality in the paradigm of postmodern art.”

It sounds abstruse, and it seems to be exactly how it should be written? No. This phrase does not make any sense, it is a heap of "smart" words and typical introductory constructions.


The ability to play with complex expressions is an illusion of science and understanding of the topic

An attempt to copy the "scientific style" by cluttering up the text with terms is the pursuit of form. Your goal is to chase meaning. There is only one way to develop the skill of academic writing: by reading scientific articles and practicing or by contacting https://essaypay.com/ pay someone to do an essay. Problems with academic style arise from those who use the wrong sources, for example, someone else's coursework, written with a bunch of stylistic errors.

To learn how to write high-quality academic texts, you will need these three skills:

  • critical reading
  • analytical thinking
  • the ability to express one's thoughts

To learn how to write in an academic style, you need to learn how to think, formulate and defend your point of view.

Academic writing is the ability to conduct a reasoned argument. That is why writing term paper is “useful in life”.


These mistakes are killing scientific papers

To write a good scientific text, you must first get rid of the most annoying mistakes. Let's consider them. Sitting down and understanding a topic is faster than suffering, coming up with hundreds of meaningless sentences

Let's start with an analysis of typical mistakes. It is very easy to write a bad scientific paper. A match on at least one of these six points is enough:

Write on the principle of "just add water." An example of watery text was in the last paragraph. They start pouring water if volume is needed, but nothing essentially comes to mind. Any experienced teacher will understand that ignorance of the topic is hidden behind the water in the text. In fact, pouring water is more difficult than writing meaningful text. When the goal is 40 pages of water, the coursework becomes a view source torment. But it is this path that is mistakenly considered the simplest and most obvious. Watery text inevitably has problems with uniqueness, because it consists of formulaic wording, peeped in other people's work.

Achieve volume with images. Cramming images into text is even worse than just pouring water. Yes, illustrating the material is important and necessary. Adding a company logo image to a marketing job would be appropriate, but it would look silly in an HR job.

To achieve volume with huge tables. Large tables come in two forms: they are either tables with a bunch of rows and columns, or inadequately designed. Just a voluminous table can be taken out in applications. Curve and oblique - fix. 

Exceed volume. Making 20 pages instead of the required 10 is not a performance improvement. A good scientific text will reveal the essence of the problem even on three pages. If the volume is significantly exceeded, then there are either a lot of unnecessary ideas in the text, or water.

Use slang or professional jargon. Academic style is a specific language requirement. Destroying clericalism and abstruse expressions, you need to know when to stop. The use of generally accepted terms is a prerequisite for creating a scientific text.

Use the pronoun "I". Coursework is written in the third person. Instead of "I believe" - ​​"in the opinion of the author of the work." You can also write in the plural, for example, "in our opinion." In the text of a scientific work, the narration is conducted on behalf of the scientific community, and not from oneself - more information.

The listed mistakes are the most typical sore points of student work. The first step in learning to write academically is to get rid of these six shortcomings. After that, you can start to improve your style.

  • Имя: Maria
  • Фамилия: Hiebert