where download v 4.0 SquidMan ???? for

SquidMan / Internet Utilities / 4813 KB / Tony Gray / Internet


SquidMan is a graphical installer and GUI for the squid proxy cache for OS X. Squid can: - cache downloaded content, reducing network traffic and improving browsing performance on slow links; - act as a proxy server for other computers on your subnet; - and restore the operation of many OS X system services that normally fail through authenticated proxy servers, such as Software Update.

to MacOS HND7T9.5.0.SquidMan.tar.gz (4283 kb)
High Sierra squidman.vers.4.4.owbn.dmg (5246 kb)

Tony Gray
Official: http://squidman.net/squidman/index.html

Best on 10.13.4 TimePreserver_ver_1.8.3_eZZ.pkg (2752 KB) 1.7.7
New Mac mini TRACKINGTIME.1.7.YLR.APP (10321 KB) 1.6
to MacOS W4Q_HARMONY_V_0.8.5.PKG (58124 KB) 0.7.0
to MacBook F18.Carrier.Landing.version.9.3.2.Hx5dL.tar.gz (104960 KB) 7.5.2

[4379 KB] Download Y7IJ SQUIDMAN 4.1 4.2 Version on MacOS
[4235 KB] Get NK5Q SQUIDMAN 4.2 6.0 for MacBook
[5005 KB] Software 5GPQ SQUIDMAN 6.0 4.2 Best to MacBook Pro
[4813 KB] Download fyyr version 6.0 SquidMan 4.2 Recomended 10.14.2

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