download Logtalk to

Main category: Development
Sub category: Compilers
Developer: Paulo Moura
Filesize: 18637
Title: Logtalk Logtalk vers.3.25.0

Added an example, "delegates", illustrating an implementation of the delegation design pattern. You may not notice that, there are a few of Mac applications that come with dedicated uninstallation programs. Though the method mentioned above can solve the most app uninstall problems, you can still go for its installation disk or the application folder or package to check if the app has its own uninstaller first. If so, just run such an app and follow the prompts to uninstall properly. After that, search for related files to make sure if the app and its additional files are fully deleted from your Mac. Updated all HTML documentation for future XHTML 1.0 conformance. Converted TextMate code snippets from the old Property List format to XML in order to provide compatibility with the "e" Windows text editor. The JPL based driver is implemented on top of the JPL library. This driver is compatible with either SWI or YAP Prolog. Since JPL is based on JNI, it is composed of both a Java part and a native C part. You need to tell JPC (so it can tell in turn to JPL) where is located the C part. Depending on the platform, the native part may be a library with a name similar to (OSX), (Linux) or (Windows) in your SWI or YAP installation. /Library/Preferences/
Official site:

on Sierra (17146 kbytes)
Mojave (15841 kbytes)

Renamed config file to to match the name of the new YAP 4.3.0 public release (named 4.2.1 while on beta testing).
ADDED: CodeMirror mode supporting syntax highlighting, code folding, and code completion.
ADDED: Low-level trace option, $, for printing the compiled form of the current goal to the debugger tool.
Added new info/1 documenting directive key, "parameters", allowing the declaration of both parameter names and parameter descriptions. Added new info/1 documenting directive key, "remarks", allowing general remarks about an entity to be stated. Added new info/2 documenting directive key, "arguments", allowing declaration of both predicate argument names and predicate argument descriptions. Added new info/2 documenting directive key, "examples", allowing the representation of predicate call examples.
Improved compile-time error-checking of calls to the parameter/2 built-in execution-context method.
ADDED: Support for saving the generated wrapper objects for the advised files to the wrapper tool.

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Featured for OS X ver.7.98k.Syncovery.ZPZ.tar.gz (33556 kbytes) 7.88l
Languages (788708 kbytes) 14.0.1

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