installer Plot2.Pro.dmg to OS X
Main category / Education
Sub category / Science
Developer / Mike Wesemann
Filesize / 10240
Title / Plot2 Pro
❱ Plot2 Pro vers 2.6.11
Christian Partl, Alexander Lex, Marc Streit, Hendrik Strobelt, Anne-Mai Wassermann, Hanspeter Pfister, Dieter Schmalstieg ConTour: Data-Driven Exploration of Multi-Relational Datasets for Drug Discovery IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (VAST '14), to appear, 2014.
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FlexX™ – BioSolveIT
LogP and Solubility
• BW-Bank (nur TAN-Generator)
I've added it to the page of data analysis tools.
Updated version | 8806 kbytes |
Featured Mac | 9318 kbytes |
Best for 10.14.3 | 10137 kbytes |
mathStatica 2.7 unleashes the power of your computer — automatically — featuring phenomenal speed and power for users with multi-processor machines. Go to: Best-fit lines on scatterplots, and reference lines on Q-Q plots $11.99 was No. 69 £2.99 Plot2 Pro Serial Keygen is here Showing 193 results of 193 On Oct 21, 2004, at 12:52, Herb Singleton wrote: > I'm not a developer so, maybe I'm missing something obvious, but how > does one go about getting the Aquaterm (installed via the binary > instller) to play well with Fink? No, you're not missing something obvious (I wish you did ;-). IMHO, the best way would be to convince the fink people to add a System-AquaTerm package to be a place-holder in fink for a system wide AquaTerm in /Applications and /usr/local. This won't happen over night though. Another way would be to get fink to move stuff to "stable" a little faster. The "stable" version of AquaTerm in fink is almost 2 years old by now... (I don't recommend anyone to use that version, for several reasons.) The basic problem you're facing is that any application built against a particular libarary will know where that library is located. Hence, anything using AquaTerm _built by fink_ will use the version of AquaTerm/libaquaterm supplied by fink. Fink also patches/sets a variable (depending on version) so that it's version of AquaTerm in /sw/Applications will be launced by default. You can check the environment variables by typing "env" at the prompt. If AQUATERM_PATH is set by fink and you change e.g. it from /sw/Applications/ to /Applications/ you'll (probably) see severe version mismatch errors... That said, you can change where the app looks for libraries (before falling back to defaults) by setting DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH to some other location. This is very nice when developing, but _not_ something I recommend as a permanent solution. You may also use symlinks (sort of an alias) from one place to another. You could replace the fink libs and headers with symlinks to the files /usr/local installed by AquaTerm's installer. That, however, would certainly screw up fink's package managing and is _not_ to "play well". If you are thinking of compiling programs yourself, you are free to use "my version" of AquaTerm mixed with stuff from fink, but you must make sure that /usr/local comes before /sw in your path. This is not the default. You may alternatively specify the full path to libaquaterm when compiling, e.g. gcc -o test test.c /usr/local/ -framework Foundation. You can check which version of a library a program is linked agains by using otool: otool -L /usr/local/gnuplot Hope this sheds some light and if not, feel free to ask specific questions. /Per
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(11878 KB) Full 2.6.1 PLOT2 PRO MIS 2.3.1 French version
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