safe stable version TotalValidator vers 14.0.0 how download

Description: TotalValidator
36454 KB
Total Validator

TotalValidator is an (X)HTML validator, an accessibility validator, a spell checker, and a broken links checker all rolled into one tool allowing one-click validation of your website. Download this free tool and validate your web pages today. Features - The best HTML validation against the W3C Markup Standards - Accessibility validation against the WCAG (1.0 and 2.0) and the US Section 508 standards - A broken-links checker - A spell checker covering English (American and British), French, Italian, Spanish, and German - One-click validation using our Browser extensions For many more great features, including validating one or more entire sites and CSS validation, choose the Pro tool instead.

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Total Validator

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Mojave v.6.5.5.CLC.Genomics.Workbench.TNx.pkg 6.5.4
Updated to 10.13 1.6

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