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Mousterpiece Arts Robert Russell 1229 KB Home Personal


Mousterpiece allows you to create a desktop masterpiece while you work! As you work on your Mac, Mousterpiece runs in the background, listening for real-time data about your mouse movements and actions (clicks, drags, and scrolls). This information is used to create a unique masterpiece! Once you're done working, you can save your creation as a PNG, which is automatically sized to your desktop resolution so it can be used as a desktop background! Don't have a mouse? No problem! Mousterpiece works great with any kind of track pad as well! Features: - Create works of art while you use your Mac. - The live preview window shows the progress of your masterpiece as you create it. - 3 different draw styles, with more on the way! - Fully customizable color options for the draw colors and the background color. - Works with any mouse or track pad device (Apple and third-party devices). - Save finished product as a PNG. - Dimensions automatically scale to screen resolution, perfect for making custom desktop backgrounds.

New High Sierra 3ais_ver_1.6.0_mousterpiece.dmg | 1327 kb |
Best iMac Pro | 1192 kb |
New MacOS yDP.ver.3.4.0.Mousterpiece.tar.gz | 1044 kb |
OS X | 1069 kb |
Recomended iMac Pro | 1413 kb |
Featured 10.14 XER_VERS_1.7.0_MOUSTERPIECE.ZIP | 1376 kb |

Robert Russell

Best on High Sierra VERS.1.9.6_MELANCHOLYTRON_LLU.ZIP [10299 kbytes] 1.6.7
Version for Mac Pro LML_LESSON_PLANNER_3.6.APP [1241 kbytes] 1.7
OS X 7U1.7.GATES:.THE.PATH.TO.ZAMOLXES.1.4.DMG [120232 kbytes] 2.0
Featured! version JaY6r_ver._1.2.3_Nephorider.pkg [6054 kbytes] 1.1.7

(1118 kb) App VERS 3.4.0 MOUSTERPIECE YMRXNG 1.4.4 Recomended MacOS
(1315 kb) Free MOUSTERPIECE VERS.1.6.0 BNSO 1.4.3 Featured Mac
(1265 kb) Download sJyuM Mousterpiece 2.4.0 1.4.4 for 10.13
(1462 kb) Software Nz5A Mousterpiece v.1.4.4 1.4.1 Featured 10.12.4
(1413 kb) Lu7T Mousterpiece version 2.4.0 1.5.0 High Sierra
(1118 kb) App Mousterpiece vers.1.5.0 53M0 1.6.0 Updated to 10.12.4

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