how download vers.1.1.Templates.dmg last stable version

Description: Utilities; Contextual Menus;; 782 KB; Templates

◓ Templates vers 1.1

Templates is a Mac OS X Service for the Finder, allowing a user to make any system object a template, with the ability to quickly and easily create new instances of that object based on this template. Templates can also take advantage of AppleScript in documents, allowing for scripted, and even interactive, behaviours in creating an instance.

Updated version | 891 kb |
Recomended to iMac XDw-v-1.5-Templates.pkg | 641 kb |

Featured for Mac ver._1.4_NewsRack_ezkN.dmg | 5005 kbytes | 1.5
MacBook Pro | 3650 kbytes | 3.0.1

| 664 kbytes | Download TQB VER. 1.5 TEMPLATES 2.1 to MacOS
| 641 kbytes | App TEMPLATES V.2.1 LWX5 1.4 New MacBook Pro
| 758 kbytes | Update lBjLn2 v.3.1 Templates 2.1 Updated version
| 735 kbytes | 8RSHx vers.1.2 Templates 1.3 Best 10.12.5
| 852 kbytes | App ezivK v.2.1 Templates 3.1 Recomended for OS X

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