where download 1.0.2 Adult Blockfilter latest version

Description: Utilities tcpiputilscom Adult Blockfilter 183 KB Security

Adult Blockfilter vers 1.0.2

Note: The developer is no longer supporting this Safari extension. Adult Blockfilter is an adult- and spyware-filtering extension to protect your browser from sensitive content. This extension checks every website you visit against our cloud database for the most recent blocking information. Based on our state-of-the-art analysis, the website will be allowed or blocked. Adult websites will be blocked, as will websites containing spyware, malware, or other threats. You can add websites to your own whitelist or blacklist. There is also a whitelist-only mode where all websites are blocked except the ones on the whitelist, making it is an ideal parental control feature. For fast performance, every website is only checked once against our cloud database during a browser session. To protect your privacy we do not send the complete URL to our cloud database, but only the hostname!

Featured on Sierra ADULT-BLOCKFILTER-VERSION-1.0.5-GKKKUX.ZIP [192 kbytes]
Recomended to Sierra version-3.0.2-Adult-Blockfilter-Ak7g.app [155 kbytes]

Key for repack 1.0.2 Adult Blockfilter

Best on El Captan ApI_version_4.1_Birthstone_Finder.pkg 4.2
Featured! version v.1.2.4_WireTap_Studio_qFDl52.dmg 1.2.6

[204 kb] Get Adult Blockfilter vers 1.0.5 6D3a 1.0.6 Featured Mac
[175 kb] Download ADULT BLOCKFILTER VERSION 1.0.6 DKHU94 1.2.2 Version on iMac Pro
[183 kb] Update V.1.0.4 ADULT BLOCKFILTER F63Z2 1.3.2 to Mac mini
[201 kb] Get Adult Blockfilter vers.1.2.2 Epsl 1.0.4 10.14.3
[172 kb] Software ADULT BLOCKFILTER VERS 1.0.3 HEYB 2.0.2 MacBook Pro
[179 kb] App Adult Blockfilter ver. 1.0.6 TJZ 1.0.4 Updated version

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