to Mac Pro Repo 0.9.9 how download

4915 KB

Repo vers 0.9.9

Repo is a Git client for your Mac. It allows you to: Commit - Tear-off commit window, Keep your commit window handy as you develop. - Push changes to remotes - Discard changes, ignore files, show files in Finder History - Searchable history. Search by comment, committer - Compare revisions - Checkout a revision Advanced File Tracking - Auto-discovers repositories. Repo automatically discovers and indexes all the repositories on your disks - Repository state tracking. Prefer to do something from the command-line, no problem. Repo automatically reacts to state changes in the repository. - Instantly detects changes on the file system Integration - Integrates with GitHub, Beanstalk and Bit Bucket - Works with your favorite IDE. Xcode, Coda, Eclipse, TextMate, BBEdit, Expresso and more... - Integrated Git console. Need to do some deep dark Git magic? You can always drop right into the console without leaving Repo Diff and Merge - Text Diff. The collapsed unified diff allows for quick scanning of changes - Image Diff. Swipe between changed images - Clean merges. Repo uses an advanced merge algorithm that results in cleaner merges. More... - Fetch changes - Checkout and create branches - Track remote branches - Create and checkout tags - Stash and apply stashed changes. You can also set it to auth-stash on branch changes. - View your stash. You can see everything in your stash, and the files changed in each stash item. - Open files in the application of your choice. - View status - Stage and upstage files

Version to Mac mini (5799 kbytes)
Mojave 5R7XGm-1.9.9-Repo.pkg (4472 kbytes)
Recomended Sierra vers.0.9.11.Repo.CJoaU9.pkg (5652 kbytes)
Best! version ver_0.9.13_Repo_oeqE.tar.gz (4030 kbytes)
Best! version Repo-ver.-2.9.9-EiC.pkg (5455 kbytes)
OS X Repo_ver_0.11.9_pPa.tar.gz (4423 kbytes)


Updated to 10.12.6 FXFACTORY. (15268 kb) 7.1.3
OS X (12364 kb) 6.3.5

| 5603 KB | Software ver 0.9.10 Repo PTHiRM 0.9.11 Version Mac mini
| 4865 KB | Update version 0.9.10 Repo xXIcO 0.10.9 Recomended! version
| 5013 KB | Free Repo 2.9.9 ciCmKA 0.11.9 Featured! version

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