to iMac Pro Mac-tailored, OpenOffice-based productivity suite. how install

Main category: Business
Sub category: Applications
Developer: Planamesa Inc.
Filesize: 260096
Title: NeoOffice vers 2017.16 NeoOffice

Last edited by Hagar Delest on Fri Oct 26, 2012 8:17 am, edited 1 time in total. Although the presentation tool is a little weak, the rest of the applications in NeoOffice make for a very good free office suite. To tell the truth, this suite hardly differs from OpenOffice (on which it's based), but since it has been developed to run on a Mac from the start of its presentation, its stability and quality are a lot higher. Troubleshooting If you have already installed NeoOffice from Apple's App Store, then you likely have an old version of NeoOffice Classic Edition or Professional Edition installed on your machine. Lacking an equivalent source for plus-sized PowerPoint presentations, I did not attempt to break Impress, but settled for testing it on everyday presentations. What many would call the second-tier applications -- Draw, Base, and Math -- appear equally reliable. Users who require an in-depth analysis may wish to seek out reviews of itself, since the underlying code is the same.
High Sierra
Version to 10.14
Version iMac Pro

Move NeoOffice to the Trash and empty the Trash
A valuable product, 10$ donation is a quite low fee and to me is NOT a drawback (programmers too must pay bills, and people cannot last forever in writing and revising good code only as a hobby). Lighter and more friendly than OOO (wich in some instances has more power). A must.
Will not overwrite NeoOffice Professional Edition
• Native floating tool windows
3D design made easy by Google
file size: 154.00 MB
OpenDocument Flat XML Document

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