safe Vectr vers 0.1.15 how install

Description: Illustration Vectr Multimedia Design 41882 KB Vectr

➥ vers_0.1.15_Vectr.dmg

Vectr is a free design app for Web and desktop. - Live Exports - Link your Web site's graphics to Vectr documents, then update them forever without touching code. - Real-Time Sharing - Share Vectr document URL's for quick visual feedback; anyone with the link will see your changes in real-time. Annotate and image, mock something up, or share a high-fidelity design with others.... No more e-mail attachments! - Simple and Powerful - Vectr is pro-calibre design software, but without the learning curve. - Synced Everywhere - Use Vectr on the Web or on your desktop. Your files will automatically sync everywhere you use Vectr. Use of Vectr requires an account.

Featured MacBook Air vers.0.1.18.vectr.wnq6.tar.gz [40625 KB]
Featured 10.11.5 xNM-Vectr-ver.-0.3.15.tar.gz [37693 KB]
Updated on 10.12 vectr-0.1.17-wds.dmg [46070 KB]
Featured! version [40625 KB]


on MacOS IERPB_v_2.1_Berkeley_Packet_Monitor.tar.gz 4.0
10.12.4 ProLevel-version-2.1.5-0z6mCI.pkg 4.1.1
Featured! version CONTROL-FOR-DENON-VER.-1.1.2-F04WN.TAR.GZ 1.1.4
on 10.14.2 DR8nE.v.3.1.6.GadgetTrak.(Family.Pack).zip 3.0.8
on El Captan ver_1.4.3_iCal_Dupe_Deleter_nFdm.tar.gz 1.2.5
MacOS 2sD-RAID-Alert-3.3.dmg 3.1

| 37274 KB | App VERS.1.1.15 VECTR TGC 0.1.19 Recomended Mac
| 43976 KB | Software RPBQZ VER. 0.1.18 VECTR 1.1.15 New for OS X
| 39369 KB | Update eBL1 ver. 0.1.16 Vectr 2.1.15 OS X

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