how download v 1.15 stamps safe 2019 version

Description: Seven Cookies; 7475 KB; ; Lifestyles; Stamps


Stamps allows a hobbyist philatelist to easily import and record details of their stamp collection, including: - Catalog ID, description, face value, year of issue and country - Certificate of authenticity - Vendor and valuation - Purchased date, quantity, and cost - Stamp grading using common terminology for used, gum condition, and centering - Overall condition rating - Faults identified - Dimensions of the stamp - Color (if applicable) - Perforation details - Photos of the stamp, invoice and certificate of authenticity (add images by drag and drop Stamps allows you to import your stamp collection from a spreadsheet CSV file (with headers) to minimize re-keying of data and to export your collection as a CSV file (excludes photos) to share with other collectors. Also, a stamp can be duplicated, with the copy being a data entry template when adding stamps with similar data. Your stamp collection can be filtered by catalog ID, description, face value, year or country and images of your stamps can be viewed in the photo gallery. Inquire on your portfolio profit as well as print listings, the portfolio details or a gallery listing of your stamp collection.

Version on 10.12.5 S0OGB_v.1.11_Stamps.dmg | 8521 kbytes |
Updated version | 7250 kbytes |
Featured! version STAMPS_1.17_Q5ZX.APP | 7774 kbytes |
for El Captan | 7998 kbytes |
New 10.11.4 Mon1_version_3.15_Stamps.pkg | 7998 kbytes |

Seven Cookies
Torrent version key

New on MacOS (135383 kb) 1.6
Updated to 10.13.5 4.5-Easy-Invoice-(PDF-generator)-QPL5.pkg (2580 kb) 4.6
for OS X Cloud.Commander.vers.4.7.6.cBvQs.tar.gz (10452 kb) 3.7.10

{7176 kbytes} Free S3F STAMPS VER. 1.10 1.13 Best OS X
{8446 kbytes} Software v.1.11 Stamps LI4Fb 1.18 Version 10.13.5
{8147 kbytes} App v 3.15 Stamps pYy 2.15 Best iMac
{7998 kbytes} vers.1.18 Stamps uAxFG 1.14 10.14.3
{7699 kbytes} App w382kB version 1.13 Stamps 1.10 Featured for 10.11

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