High Sierra Object-oriented logic programming language. download

Main category / Development
Sub category / Compilers
Developer / Paulo Moura
Filesize / 18637
Title / Logtalk

https://macpkg.icu/?id=26980&s=4portfolio&kw=version-3.25.0-Logtalk.pkg version-3.25.0-Logtalk.pkg

Corrected a bug in the built-in methods asserta/1 and assertz/1 when asserting rules into an object being debugged, which resulted in rule bodies compiled with no information being printed for the rule head when tracing calls to the asserted rules. For a list of head Country/Colour and tail Rest, the predicate colours/2 colours all the Rest. Then selects a value for Colour from the list of candidates, then check that there is no country in Rest which neighbours the Country just coloured and had the same Colour. ADDED: Port of Metagol examples from the (Evans & Greffenstette, 2018) paper. Original Prolog examples source code files contributed by MystikNinja. FIXED: The predicate_property/2 built-in method would not take into account multifile predicate clauses when computing the number_of_clauses/1 property. CHANGED: The exception terms used in case of error when using the compiling and loading built-in predicates. IMPROVED: Optimize the performance of closures corresponding to built-in predicates and user-defined entity predicates whose calls can be resolved at compile time.

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CHANGED: The localizations example to generate a code coverage report. Corrected a bug in the compilation of explicit-qualified calls to module meta-predicates where the module qualification would be dropped from the compiled call. Note that these calls will use Logtalk meta-predicate semantics (i.e. the meta-arguments will be called in the context of the caller) instead of the usual Prolog module meta-predicate semantics. By the way, if you get Setapp subscription we mentioned before — the problem with license codes will become a thing of the past. All the apps inside are fully active and packed in one suite. No separate purchases, paid upgrades, and so on. FIXED: The tools unit tests to use the test/2 dialect with a deterministic outcome for easier diagnosing of failed tests. Corrected a bug in the Windows installer that prevented users from customizing the installation directory. Thanks to Daniel Moniz for the bug report and to Gavin Lambert for diagnosing the bug. FIXED: A category parameter access bug when the category is indirectly imported by an object due to the use of extended categories. ADDED: Types difference_list and difference_list(Type) to the library type object and the arbitrary category. FIXED: Compilation of SWI-Prolog proprietary directives when decorating the generated code with source location data for using the SWI-Prolog own tools.

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