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Main category / Internet
Sub category / Reference
Developer / Christian Kienle
Filesize / 3174
Title / Core Data Editor ● v 5.0.1 Core Data Editor

If you made it this far, congratulations. You wrote a usable text editor. Now you can see why there are so many text editing applications on the Mac. Adding a text view provides most basic text editing functions so you don’t have to reinvent common behavior. Cocoa’s document architecture handles opening Save and Open panels, reducing the amount of code you have to write. There’s fewer than 20 lines of code to write in this project.
Behind the scenes, @NSManaged effectively means "extra code will automatically be provided when the program runs." It's a bit like functionality injection: when you say "this property is @NSManaged" then Core Data will add getters and setters to it when the app runs so that it handles things like change tracking.
From Christian Kienle:
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Eclipse - Popular open-source IDE, mainly for Java but with plugin support for a wide array of languages and platforms.
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Just as an Entity is similar to a class, a Property is similar to an instance variable. There are three kinds of Properties, but the only one you need to know about for now is Attribute. Thank you to all our backers! ???? Become a backer Measure first, make specific and targeted changes, and measure again for validation. 6. CoreData-hs Type the characters you see in this image: One of the main performance gains comes from understanding the performance characteristics of the Core Data stack and putting them to use: while != "" { Getting started

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