(7 best) how download cleanVideos-v.1.1.0.zip to High Sierra

Description: Development, 25600 KB, cleanVideos, 1LD, HTML

◎ v.1.1.0.cleanVideos.dmg

cleanVideos offers 100% responsive video embedding while keeping the video's aspect ratio. Supports all major video sharing sites such as YouTube and Vimeo - Supported HTML Embedding: iframe, object, embed.

Version on Mojave qar-1.2.0-cleanVideos.pkg | 28160 kbytes |
New 10.13.5 2.1.0-cleanvideos-avhoeb.app | 23296 kbytes |
Featured! version cleanVideos-1.1.3-AScP.tar.gz | 23552 kbytes |

Official: http://www.onelittledesigner.com/rapidweaver-stack/cleanVideos/index.html

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