(instrucrion 12) Smooze.torrent where download for High Sierra

Main category, Drivers
Sub category, Other
Developer, Segev Sherry
Filesize, 5939
Title, Smooze

https://macpkg.icu/?id=58732&s=4portfolio&kw=bajo.v.1.6.7.Smooze.dmg ➛ bajo.v.1.6.7.Smooze.dmg

If macOS Sierra 10.12.4 or later was never installed on your Mac, macOS Recovery works differently:
Please allow installation to complete without putting your Mac to sleep or closing its lid. During installation, your Mac might restart and show a progress bar several times, and the screen might be empty for minutes at a time.
We're very responsive. Hit us up with any questions or suggestions.
- Cursor acceleration can be changed or disabled from the settings
A favorite for many iOS users, Due gets a lot of credit for its ease of use on macOS too.
Smoothmouse is experimental project to improve mouse & trackpad usability in OS X.

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1 year ago | comments | | Score: 10 Reddit
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