vers. 1.1.4 patina where download El Capitan

Description: Patina, Atek, Inc., Multimedia Design, Illustration, 9728 KB

v 1.1.4 Patina

Patina is a great way to draw sketches, diagrams, and simple illustrations. As a Mac user accustomed to attractive, well-designed software, you'll appreciate Patina's elegant and intuitive interface. And if you've used Windows before, you'll find that Patina not only offers the simplicity you like about Microsoft Paint, but also has some great additional features, including: - Continuous shape rotation - objects can be rotated at any angle instead of being limited to specific degrees of rotation - Easy tool width adjustment - use the slider to adjust the thickness of shape strokes as well as text font size - Intuitive color management - user-configurable favorite colors are prominently displayed and easily selected or edited - Transparent image saving - allows you to create an image that has no background color - Independently moveable crop frame - easily move and resize crop frame without affecting the image - Alpha blending of colors - blend a translucent color with the canvas color to create a new color - Anti-aliasing control - turn on and off smooth edges at any time

Best! version VERS_3.1.4_PATINA_UGBSXY.DMG [9533 kb]
Recomended! version vers.1.1.3.patina.omzfz.dmg [10214 kb]

Atek, Inc.

Recomended to iMac {2673 KB} 1.7
MacBook COMMANDQ_VERS_1.3.4_KRFQ.DMG {1064 KB} 1.0.5

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| 9728 KB | Free version 1.2.4 Patina huJ3VQ 1.1.3 Best! version
| 10798 KB | PATINA VERS 1.1.8 EDUQ0 1.1.5 Best to Mojave
| 9241 KB | Get QZKYP V.1.4.4 PATINA 1.1.6 to 10.12.5
| 9630 KB | Free Patina ver 1.1.5 8fd1o 1.2.4 Updated Mac
| 8657 KB | vers 1.1.7 Patina rnGxp4 2.1.4 Featured to El Captan
| 9047 KB | Get PATINA VERSION 1.1.8 HXO 3.1.4 Best for 10.13.5

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