Visualization of peptide and protein identification results from multip install for MacOS

Main category - Education
Sub category - Science
Developer - CompOmics
Filesize - 113357
Title - PeptideShaker v.1.16.39 PeptideShaker

Changes in PeptideShaker 0.39.1 (June 3. 2015): converts ABI SCIEX 4700/4800 t2d files to mzXML FEATURE IMPROVEMENT: Removed the hardcoded white chart color for selected rows. Molecular Weight Calculator mzBruker The increasing popularity of gel-free proteomics technologies has created a strong demand for compatible quantitative analysis methods. As a result, a plethora of different techniques has been proposed to perform gel-free quantitative analysis of proteomics samples. Each of these methods comes with certain strengths and shortcomings, and they often are dedicated to a specific purpose. This review will present a brief overview of the main methods, organized by their underlying concepts, and will discuss the issues they raise with a focus on data processing. Finally, we will list the available software that can help with the data processing from quantitative experiments. We hope that this review will thus enable researchers to find the most appropriate method available for their research objectives, and can also serve as a basis for creating a reliable data processing strategy.
Official site:
New on 10.14.2 (126959 kb)
Version on MacOS (112223 kb)

Software key PeptideShaker

FEATURE IMPROVEMENT: Sped up the batch db interaction, making it possible to save projects a lot faster when having limited memory. FEATURE IMPROVEMENT: Improved automatic spectrum annotation. NEW FEATURE: Added the observable coverage in the Overview tab. BUG FIX: Fixed some bugs with the contextual export options for the spectrum panel in the PTM tab. FEATURE IMPROVEMENT: Improved the Search Settings dialog, which is now identical to the one in SearchGUI and also displays the fixed PTMs. BUG FIX: Improved the handling of canceling the Search Settings and Processing Preferences dialogs. FEATURE IMPROVEMENT: Improved the format selection when exporting. merges individual Q-TOF files into a single file for database searching

| 103154 kb | PeptideShaker version 1.16.40 5p5f1w 2.16.39 MacOS
| 120158 kb | eTHoU vers.1.16.43 PeptideShaker 1.16.35 Recomended! version
| 108822 kb | Free 8N8Q PeptideShaker 1.16.40 1.19.39 Featured! version
| 105422 kb | Free 1.16.40 PEPTIDESHAKER NIZ 1.16.43 Best MacBook Air
| 122425 kb | App PeptideShaker 1.16.41 6WOX7L 1.16.42 MacBook
| 111089 kb | HInpI PeptideShaker version 1.16.43 1.16.40 OS X
| 107689 kb | Software Mvmn ver. 1.19.39 PeptideShaker 1.17.39 to Mac Pro

New! version PhoneRescue.for.Android.version.5.6.0.qgz.pkg (20500 KB) 3.6.1
Updated version uTSc_Visual_Studio_ver._7.7.2.21.pkg (663408 KB)
Updated to 10.13.5 (3862 KB) 2.6.2

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