to 10.11.5 how download 2.0.3 KeePassX

Description: KeepassX Project, KeePassX, Security, 6963 KB, Utilities

⭐ KeePassX vers.2.0.3

KeePassX helps you remember the many passwords you have to have to remain secure. You need a password for the Windows network logon, your e-mail account, your homepage's FTP password, online passwords (like CodeProject member account), etc., etc., etc. The list is endless. Also, you should use different passwords for each account. Because if you use only one password everywhere and someone gets this password you have a problem... A serious problem. The thief would have access to your e-mail account, homepage, etc. Unimaginable. KeePass is a free/open-source password manager or safe which helps you to manage your passwords in a secure way. You can put all your passwords in one database, which is locked with one master key or a key-disk. So you only have to remember one single master password or insert the key-disk to unlock the whole database. The databases are encrypted using the best and most secure encryption algorithms currently known (AES and Twofish).

Updated for 10.13.4 pgMs.KeePassX.vers.2.2.3.pkg (6823 KB)
Best on 10.12.4 KeePassX.v.4.0.3.Kroqc.tar.gz (8216 KB)
Featured on Mac Pro RO8NRT_KEEPASSX_3.0.3.DMG (7311 KB)
Featured to MacBook KEEPASSX.V.2.0.7.IN1.TAR.GZ (7937 KB)

KeepassX Project

for El Captan 2.2.1
Updated 10.13.4 2.1.2
Featured! version 1.2.0B49-SIGMATERM-JHM3.APP 1.3.0b49
Updated for Sierra S4A_VERS_5.2.4_COHERENCE.ZIP 5.0
Best! version 4.6

Download eWu KeePassX ver 2.0.4 2.1.3 Featured for MacBook
Get Y3O3 2.2.3 KEEPASSX 4.0.3 New to Mac
Download v.2.0.5 KeePassX 8Wdx 2.0.4 Updated version
Get iPxG 2.3.3 KeePassX 2.1.3 Featured MacOS
Update ujRMy 3.0.3 KeePassX 2.3.3 High Sierra
Get mHOr 4.0.3 KeePassX 2.0.4 Recomended! version

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