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Description: Helma; Servers; Internet; 6451 KB; Helma Project

Helma version 1.7.0

Helma Server-side Javascript Environment is an open source Web application framework for fast and efficient scripting and serving of your websites and Internet applications. Helma is written in Java and employs Javascript for its server-side scripting environment, removing the need for compilation cycles and reducing development costs while giving you instant access to leverage the whole wealth of Java libraries out there. Helma pioneered the simple and codeless mapping of application objects to database tables, which has only recently come into vogue with other Web frameworks. In addition, an embedded object-oriented database performs automatic data persistence of unmapped objects.

Updated OS X vers_3.7.0_Helma_2ppjZ.app
for Mojave Helma_ver_1.8.0_jvug.pkg

Helma Project
Site: http://helma.org/

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Best High Sierra 7C9DD_V.1.1.9_TEMPLATES_FOR_MICROSOFT_WORD.DMG [220774 KB] 1.4.5
Updated version ClipWrap_2.9.3_vNuZ.app [4144 KB] 2.8.3

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{6063 KB} qGB Helma vers 2.7.0 1.8.0 for Mojave
{7096 KB} Download VERS.1.7.4 HELMA QRQ1UZ 2.7.0 for 10.13.5
{6838 KB} App VB2E HELMA VERS.1.7.4 1.9.0 Updated OS X

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