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Description: Security; 76390 KB; Cyclonis Ltd.; Cyclonis Password Manager; Utilities

✖ Cyclonis Password Manager 1.0.5

Cyclonis Password Manager gives users the chance to organize and easily access their sensitive data. All the information saved inside Cyclonis Password Manager is encrypted using AES-256, and it's then placed in a vault that can only be unlocked with a master password picked by the user. Users can then choose whether they would like to store their vault on the hard drive of their computers or in one of their cloud storage accounts. They can use Dropbox, Google Drive, Apple iCloud, or Microsoft OneDrive. In addition to all this, Cyclonis Password Manager comes with numerous features designed to save time and simplify the way people go about their everyday online tasks.

Version to 10.12.4 [77153 kbytes]
Best! version CYCLONIS_PASSWORD_MANAGER_VERS.1.0.4_RXTEIZ.ZIP [64931 kbytes]
High Sierra KHPX_1.0.6_CYCLONIS_PASSWORD_MANAGER.TAR.GZ [84029 kbytes]
New on iMac Pro VER._1.0.9_CYCLONIS_PASSWORD_MANAGER_WRPP7G.ZIP [74862 kbytes]

Cyclonis Ltd.
Official site:

New to iMac Pro 1.0.1
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