to Mac mini how install Access Entourage address book via system-wide menu. (app)

953 KB JNSoftware LLC Business EntourageABMenu Applications

vers.1.5.8 EntourageABMenu

Note: This app is still available for download but the developer of Dialectic has temporarily halted the distribution and sale of all of their products. EntourageABMenu is a convenient and intuitive way to utilize your Microsoft Entourage address book data through a system-wide menu. The application provides quick access to your contacts' phone numbers, email, and postal addresses. Selecting a menu item will trigger an action such as displaying the content in large type, copying it to the clipboard, creating a new email, dialing the phone (accomplished by running a customizable AppleScript), or showing an address on a map using the Google Maps service. Phone dialing requires the use of additional software such as Dialectic.

OS X | 943 kb |
Recomended to Mac mini 0zpp_entourageabmenu_ver_3.5.8.pkg | 924 kb |
10.14.3 5KN.ENTOURAGEABMENU.VERS.1.6.8.APP | 1143 kb |

JNSoftware LLC

Version for Mojave EXIF-APP-1.3-JSOTN.DMG 1.2
Best to High Sierra 1.4.2
Featured for 10.13 RemoteHelper.version.4.3.12.b79.tar.gz 4.2.13
Best 10.12.6 v-3.4.1-Tailwind-Publisher-J6Lxd.tar.gz 3.3.35
Version iMac Pro rbufQ-ver.-1.8-58-JumpBox-for-the-TikiWiki-CMS.dmg 2.7-58

{972 KB} Free L7K ENTOURAGEABMENU V 3.5.8 2.5.8 New for OS X
{1067 KB} kaBEwI v 3.5.8 EntourageABMenu 1.5.11 10.11.5

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