download iRemind-1.2.1.pkg MacOS

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Sub category - Productivity
Developer - AsramSoftware
Filesize - 7270
Title - iRemind iRemind V.1.2.1

Improve Your Productivity
While Apple’s Reminders is a simple solution, it lacks advanced abilities and an elegant design. It only offers the bare minimum, suitable for tallying lists for shopping and personal activities, but not much more.
Simply open the Notification Center from the top right of the menu bar, click on Notifications, then scroll up to enable Do Not Disturb. DND will turn off automatically the next day, so you'll have to manually turn it on again to disable notifications.
Weather with current temperature, hourly forecast, weekly overview and so much more.
In Mojave:
For instance I can be in Safari and say I want to be reminded of a certain webpage. "Remind me about this webpage in one hour". OK, I'll remind you. Now I can close this window. I can Quit Safari. You can see here it has added that. It has the title of the page and it would open that webpage. This is a great alternative to Bookmarks. If you ever use a Bookmark to just remind you of something once and then, of course, your Bookmarks stays cluttered with all of this. You can use Reminders instead.

Featured Mac Pro
New OS X

Older nightly builds may be found in the nightly build archives. KeepNote is app that is designed to remind users of their appointments and other things that they need to do. Users simply write a short memo about the meeting or task and the app will notify them at a set time. The app is easy to customise to meet the specific needs of the user. However, there are plenty of apps of this type that are available for free and some people may prefer to take a look at those before paying out for KeepNote. 3. Click macOS Mojave (or search for "mojave" if the banner graphic doesn't appear). A favorite for many iOS users, Due gets a lot of credit for its ease of use on macOS too. To stay on the task, try BeFocused – a productivity timer that’s designed to help you get more things done. The alarm in this app doesn’t work to alert you of upcoming meetings or remind you to pay your rent. Instead, it’s focused on helping you simplify workloads by breaking tasks down into intervals using the Pomodoro technique — a time management method that improves focus by working in short bursts with regular breaks. Like other timer apps, Break Timer allows you to customize the length of your work and break periods. One of the more interesting options in Break Timer is the ability to set a beginning and end of the workday so that alerts will only appear when you're on the clock. Good luck :)... Zantar Software

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