Mojave how install v.4.1.4 Jisho

Description: Education, Language, Sugoi Soft, Jisho, 36762 KB

◓ vers.4.1.4 Jisho

Jisho lets you search in your native tongue. Supports searching in Japanese (Kanji, Hiragana,Katakana, and Romaji), English, German, Russian, and French. Completely New User Experience - Jisho 4.0 took the interface back to the drawing board with a completely new streamlined interface. Lists - Track your favorite words with lists Smart Result Fetching - Jisho got smarter. Search in Japanese, get Japanese results. Search in English, get English results. Fast - Jisho is now faster than ever. Auto Strength - Jisho automatically digs deeper if it can't find anything WildCard Searching - Search with wildcards by inputting a *. OS X Integration - Look up words in most applications with a single click or press of a key-combination. Romanization - Automatically converts hiragana and katakana to roman letters. You can even search in Japanese with roman letters. Preferences - New Preferences for disabling romaji and returning results in any language. Search from anywhere - Once Jisho is on your computer, no Internet access required to search and use Jisho.

Featured 10.11 | 39702 kb |
New to 10.11.6 | 30512 kb |
Featured Sierra | 40805 kb |
High Sierra Jisho_ver._5.1.4_NS6.pkg | 41908 kb |

Sugoi Soft

MacOS 1.6.7_ES_Image_Printer_Driver_9IfLhl.tar.gz [16996 kb] 1.9.4
to 10.11.6 35T_1.3.1451.15700_AliveColors.pkg [323554 kb] 1.2.1451.18700

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| 32718 kbytes | App SeG7u6 version 4.1.8 Jisho 4.1.6 New for Mac mini
| 38232 kbytes | Free zHfC7 4.1.7 Jisho 6.1.4 Featured 10.13.5
| 37129 kbytes | App p7RJz ver. 6.1.4 Jisho 4.1.8 New on MacBook Air
| 33453 kbytes | Download F5G3 v.4.3.4 Jisho 5.1.4 Featured on 10.14

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